“Following Harry” is an intimate documentary film that follows 96-year-old civil rights icon Harry Belafonte as he continues his mission of social justice. The film explores Belafonte’s work with young activists, his thoughts on the current state of race relations in America, and his vision for the future. This inspiring portrait of a cultural and civil rights icon weaves together moments of activism and personal reflection, showcasing the impact of Belafonte’s legacy.
Harry Belafonte (@followingharryfilm) • Instagram photos and videos
Following Harry | Facebook
Belafonte-Nasso Productions (@followingharry) | TikTok
About the filmmaker Susanne Rostock
Long esteemed as "an aural and visual poet", Susanne Rostock's filmmaking is a stunning 40 years of some of the most compelling documentaries of each decade. Her most recent film as director/editor, Sing Your Song, about Harry Belafonte's life as an artist and activist, was chosen to open the U.S. Documentary Competition section of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, where it was described as a story "told with a remarkable sense of intimacy, visual style and musical panache". More at Tuning Fork, Episode 46: Following Harry a Film by Susanne Rostock.