Episode 06: Weronika Trojanska, Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020
Weronika Trojanska, Conceptual “Identity Sampling” Artist-Activist
Weronika Trojanska collects artists' handwriting, body gesture, movement and way of speaking, shaping her body and mind to become a "biography of someone else."
When the “I” can be a “storage” for elements of other peoples' lives, the Self becomes a Polyphonic Autobiography.
Trojanska's "identity sampling" requires constant changes, involvement and obsession - to catch the essence of someone else’s features and inhabit it through a method of transcribing the gesture (reproducing, adapting and learning) by which means it becomes a part of her. She often chooses Fluxus artists, reperforming "Cut Piece," by Yoko Ono, Museum of Modern Art Salzburg, "The Perfect Journey (After James Lee Byars)," a bicycle tour that attempts to draw a perfect circle through the rigid grid of Manhattan, and "Maciunas Laughter" (Choir Editions) performed at the Museum of Modern Art, Emily Harvey Foundation, NYC and more.
Weronika has presented her work in Amsterdam (Rongwrong and San Serriffe), Athens (3 137), Los Angeles (MuzeuMM), New York (Printed Matter), Singapore (ICAS), among others. As an art writer she has been publishing her texts in different Polish- and English-speaking media, currently she writes regularly for an art magazine Metropolis M and Arterritory.com.